Dmytro Korchynskyi on the goals of the Christian Patriotic Platform in Ukraine and the world.
The national liberation war of the Ukrainian people is also a war for faith, because it is waged against the Muscovite hypocrites who are monkeying with the church. We know from the Gospel that hypocrites are greater enemies of God than pagans. From our own experience, we know that hypocrites are worse than the atheists. The activities of the Moscow “church” have pushed more people away from Christ than communist propaganda. Of course, there is a lot of hypocrisy in the right churches, but for the Moscow “church” hypocrisy is the foundation of its existence, and the FSB is its roof. If the Moscow pseudo-church is to be destroyed, then the correct churches must be corrected. In fact, the whole history of the church is a constant correction. The church is not made up of angels, but of sinners who seek salvation. Sinners often fall into darkness, but the righteous, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Name of the Lord, bring them out into the light again and again. It is now obvious that only the church can save Ukraine, all of Europe, and European culture. To do this, the church must once again reject compromises with the prince of this world (which have become too many lately) and become militant (according to the Doctrine of Faith: The triumphant church is in heaven, the militant church is on earth).

Our task is to create links of the militant Church in all denominations and denominations, as well as in the Defense Forces and government agencies. So far, the only noticeable Christian militant link in the defense forces is the Brotherhood unit, which is part of the Timur Center of the GUR. This is not enough. It is necessary to create Christian units in the Armed Forces and the National Guard. Christian leaders who are militant are now more numerous among Protestants, but still very few. Most do not want to attack the devil, give the people to him and hope to hide from him in their denominations. There are worthy and courageous people among Orthodox and Catholic priests, but they are not the leaders of their denominations. We hope that participation in the Platform will help them learn leadership. The goals are clear, the tasks are defined. Let’s get to work, brothers!
Dmytro Korchynskyi, playwright, national awakener, co-founder of the Christian and Patriotic Platform.